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    Industry analysis Industry analysis

    Modern construction industry


    2010,the Ministry of housing and urban rural development,the Ministry of construction of the 10 out thatnew technologies (2010) clearly pointed aluminum alloyformwork isone ofthe focusofChina's newconstructiontechnology promotion.

    The promotion of green construction is an important measure to implement the national strategy of sustainable development of construction industry, the national "green building action plan" and "the development of the construction industry" 12th Five- Year "plan" will clear the green building and energy- the saving emission reduction as focus of development.In  orderto achieve the goal ofreducing carbon emissions per unit of GDP by 40% in 2020 compared with 2005 in China,it is necessary to upgrade the production mode of the construction industry in.

    In July 2011,China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association issued a "aluminum substituting wood" and other work instructions to expand aluminum consumption.

    In November 2014,the Ministry in the 'n 0 n- ferrous metals industry" 13th Five-Yeardevelopment plan" in the preparation,application will encourage the construction aluminum template,aluminum foam, aluminum structure housing seismic activities of the feld of architecture.And board to expand in the encourage enterprises to gradually shift from the eastern part of the aluminum template to the western region to reduce production costs and expand the western market.


    ALUMINUM ALLOY TEMPLATE NATIONAL POLICY 2018-02-11 [!--filesize--] 0 [!--softsay--] 界面語言:[!--language--] 軟件類型:[!--softtype--] 授權(quán)方式:[!--softsq--] 運行平臺:[!--softfj--]